Friday, May 7, 2010

The Farmers Market

Saturdays from 8am to noon is the Irvine Farmers Market right next to UCI. Its a great place to get fruits, nuts, and vegetables from local farmers. Every farmer is certified by the county agricultural commissioner to make sure that they actually grow the commodity being sold. Almost every city throughout OC holds a farmers market one day a week. I usually swing by the Irvine location and pick up fruit and walk around. It's a lot of fun so if you get a chance stop by one...and it's always good to buy locally!

A little trick to keep your strawberries fresh!....

For strawberries to stay fresh, do not wash them right away. Store them
in the refrigerator in a large container with a dry paper towel at the
bottom. Separate the berries by layering them with paper towels to
maximize freshness. Just before using, wash strawberries with caps
attached under a gentle spray of cool water. For best flavor, allow
strawberries to reach room temperature before serving.

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