Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I can smell the fresh cornbread as I walk into my favorite vegan friendly LA restaurant, Toast. I try and eat here at least once a week because the menu is too good for words. I'm sitting at my usual table (yes, I come here often enough to have a usual table) sipping my ice tea. I always order the lentil soup to start with...so I'm anxiously waiting...and here it is and no surprise it's delicious as usual! It's by far the best lentil soup I have ever had! Up next is my falafel burger...on it is hummus, tomatoes and little cucumbers on a wheat bun. My mouth is filled with flavor on ever bite and the sweet potato fries are cooked just right..which I dip in tobasco sauce of course. I am stuffed as always and fully satisfied....

....I'll be back in a few days!

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