Wednesday, April 28, 2010

High Cholesterol

The better the foods taste, the higher the chance that they're high cholesterol foods. This is one of the irony's of life.

If you've been told to reduce the high cholesterol foods, it's a small comfort you're not alone. While nobody tells you to become a vegetarian (which would help ;)..), it's a good idea to be aware of your high cholesterol foods you eat – and take steps to control the eating of foods high in cholesterol.

Many medical professionals will tell you that shellfish are definitely on the NO list for anyone who has raised blood cholesterol levels. The debate goes on as to whether it is the cholesterol in the foods or are we taking in to much saturated fat?

Doctors do agree however that increasing your HDL or 'good' cholesterol can be beneficial in reducing your chances of being a stroke victim or having heart failure.

Researchers for the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky found that LDL 'bad' cholesterol can be reduced by up to twenty per cent just by eating a cup full of cooked beans every day. Lentils, chick peas and even baked beans all help to boost your HDL cholesterol levels.

One Israeli team found that people who ate avocados everyday for twelve weeks made big reductions on their LDL cholesterol levels. It is assumed that the high levels of mono-saturated fats in Avocados were the reason for the success.

For people known to have high levels of LDL cholesterol in their blood, possibly the best addition to their diet would be oats. Oats contain a fiber called beta glucans and this sticks to the walls of your intestines and so blocks the LDL cholesterol from absorbing into the blood stream. It can also boost HDL levels.

A List Of Foods That Are High In Cholesterol
* Eggs (mainly the yolks)
* Shrimp
* Liver
* Crab
* Beef
* Pork

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